Monday, May 26, 2008


I’ll try not to boringly whine on about the maths-heavy handout which we received this week, allegedly in order to facilitate our understanding of sound pressure level and the decibel measurement of sound intensity. It is obvious to me that I shall never be ein Tonmeister. Yes, I matriculated in maths but that was 24 years ago and I can honestly say my application of higher maths functions during my adult life has been, nil, nada, zero and zip. Oh, that’s not a whinge, by the way, I’m just nonplussed by the possible necessity of arithmetic function in my chosen future career. Am I padding my blog with BS? Um, yep sorry. However, it would be interesting to investigate exactly how many of the reasonably (and sometimes very) successful engineers and producers that we have been studying in Music Technology Forum have any grasp whatsoever (and if any, to what degree) of the maths tied to their jobs. One could probably maintain a perfectly respectable sound engineering life without this mathematical knowledge, however, the real issue is: can one pass this component of the Diploma without it? I may have to read it after all. Damn.

S.Whittington, Lecture, Concepts of Music (Aural), 22/05/08

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