Sunday, April 6, 2008


Help! I took no notes this week, what on earth did we do? I think we got grouped- up and recorded a few radio tracks on pro-tools and miced up and recorded the long-sufferering Dave M, who should be knighted for his services to sound engineering students. It's all beginning to blur in my mind, however, I did manage to get into the studio on Thursday with my "artiste" and we laid down 3 hilarious tracks of "acoustic guitar": acoustic guitar being what Dave G asked for but I chose to bring two examples of this instrument from my home, one of which belongs to my 5 y.o. daughter and although it features tuning pegs, one can only assume that their function is ornamental as it is apparently untunable to any earthly configuration. My other domestic acoustic (nice ring, that phrase) bears what can only be described as a motley crue of strings and is likewise dubious in the realm of tuning. I like music this way. Getting tracks down was no problem but I had issues sorting out a headphone mix for my guinea pig - he alternately had no talkback (which was OK because he could read my lips through the glass anyway, ie: CAN YOU HEAR THIS, FOR CHRIST'S SAKE?!?), and then no mix of his previous tracks and then no mix of the current "live" track... comic antics but I got it sorted in the end by diligent application of my brain in the patchbay area. I have no mix-in-progress to play you as we ran out of time but I'll try to get something uploaded next week (after we lay down the vocal ululations and toy percussion tracks on Monday).

1 comment:

Kristie Bills said...

The lesson was a bit of a blur, it happened all too quickly. Glad to hear your recording session was successful. But boy that patchbay confuses the pants of me!